Dr. Eng. Domenico Signorini
Local General Manager of Lincotek Spa, a continuously growing multinational reality, 16 factories located on three continents, over 1200 employees, a world leader in the surface technologies sector (energy, biomedical, aerospace sectors) and a world leader in the development and production of a series of 3D metal molds (biomedical, aerospace, and turbogas sectors).
Born in Parma on 24.10.1976, after graduating in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Parma, he joined Lincotek in 2003 and through a successful background of growing responsibilities in 2018 he achieved his current position.
An expert and fan of Leadership Management, Business Management and Innovation, he embarked on a journey of personal and professional growth by extending his training in Neuroscience, Hypnosis, Quantum Physics, and Meditation and Awareness techniques.
From the encounter of these disciplines, a new mission was created that goes beyond the disciplines per se and incorporates a new approach of doing business and a new vision of management.
Together with Prof. Gioacchino Pagliaro, he founded the Quantum Leadership Activism.
Together with Prof. Pagliaro, a contributor, and co-creator of one of the very few experiments in the world of meditation in the company that took place at Lincotek Spa in 2018.
The results of this study were presented in the article “The effects of meditation on the performance and well-being of a company: A pilot study”, published in the first 2020 issue of the prestigious American scientific journal 'The Journal of Science and Healing'.