Prof. Gioacchino Pagliaro
Psychologist and psychotherapist, professor of seventeen years of clinical psychology at the faculty of psychology of the University of Padua. In the ‘90s, he introduced Mind-Body Practices and, in particular, meditation into his teaching activity. It has been acknowledged as the precursor to the introduction of Meditation and Practices of Awareness in the AUSL.
He has been working for the National Health Services since 1982 and managing Complex Psychology Structures at ASL and Hospitals since 1992. He is currently the Director of the UOC of Hospital Psychology in the Oncology Department of the AUSL of Bologna. He contributed to the foundation and was vice president of the International Research Association on Entanglement in Medicine and Psychology (AIREMP).
He is President of European Quantum Activism, the European headquarters of the Center for Quantum Activism.
In Italy and abroad he teaches courses and holds conferences on the application of Entanglement in Psychology and Medicine. He also teaches at Specialization Schools in Psychotherapy and University Masters, and on the behalf of AUSL and AO, he organizes courses of Mind-Body Practices aimed at preventing burn-out.
He recently published: Research on the remote effect of Tong-Len Meditation in a group of cancer patients.
He has published the following books: The Tao of Health; Mind, Meditation, and Wellness; The Unlocated Mind; Mind and Psychotherapy.
He continuously collaborates with the medical journal: Scienza & Conoscenza.
He writes and curates a column for Vita e Salute magazine.
He is a member of the Editorial Board of the following scientific journals:
Journal of Alternative Medicine and Mind Body Practices (USA)
Psychology and Psychiatry (USA)